knee replacement surgery

Hip & Knee Care

Empowering Mobility: Pain Relief and Regenerative Solutions

Welcome to! We aim to provide you comprehensive and compassionate orthopaedic care for your hip and knee conditions. Whether you are seeking expert advice, advanced treatments, or reliable information on new therapeutic options for your musculoskeletal conditions, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Our team of highly skilled orthopedic specialists are dedicated to providing personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you regain mobility, alleviate pain, and improve your overall quality of life. Explore our range of services and patient resources to embark on your journey towards a pain-free and active lifestyle. Trust in for unrivaled expertise in hip and knee care, because your well-being is our priority.

If you would rather consider a nonsurgical regenerative treatment option, please visit our regenerative / stem cell treatment site :

joint biologics logo

See our locations

The Cherwell Hospital
Oxford Road, Banbury, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9FG.

The New Hall Hospital
Bodenham, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 4EY

Healthshare Clinic Winchester
Chilcomb Lane, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1HU

Fitzrovia Hospital
13-14 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AH.

Meet the consultants

Our surgeons are highly experienced in their respective fields and have their practice audited by the National Joint Registry (NJR).

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Total knee replacement surgery

Day case Hip & Knee Replacement

We offer day case joint replacement options to our patients. Learn more about Outpatient Hip and Knee Surgery here and whether you might be a candidate.

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I do not feel I am ready for joint replacement surgery

If you are suffering from bone, joint or tendon related problems and looking for treatment with regenerative potential as a treatment option, we will offer you a comprehensive service carried out by an experienced team at an affordable price.

Visit for further information and booking an appointment

Full knee replacement

Why not try regenerative treatment first before Joint Replacement?

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I have made up my mind for a joint replacement

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Opting for Regenerative treatment

Regenerative medicine is a strong contender for conquering the ‘void’ which exists between nonoperative and operative treatment for osteoarthritis and tendon/ bursa conditions. Non operative treatment generally consists of pain relief and cortisone (chemical) injections. What could be more attractive than your own cells and growth factors for your symptom relief, the return of function, and potential for healing?

Click here to explore our Regenerative Treatment Options

Frequently Asked Questions

The following general information is based on questions often asked by patients and those who care for them. Please contact your consultant for specifics related to your condition.

FAQ Joint replacement procedures

The hip is formed from a ball (the femoral head) and cup (part of the pelvis). The surfaces of ball and socket are lined by a soft, smooth and thin lining called articular cartilage. This lining along with the joint fluid provides lubrication for the joint. Wear and tear, thinning and loss of the articular cartilage lining leads to a condition called osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis of hip causes pain around hip, groin upper thigh and sometimes in the knee. Walking can become very painful and may be associated with pain during night. Daily living tasks such as putting on socks and cutting toenail can become increasingly difficult due to hip stiffness.

Osteoarthritis may affect activities of daily living and quality of life. It may also affect work and recreational activities.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative condition of the joint resulting in pain, stiffness, and loss of function.

The ends of our bones within the joint are lined by a smooth and slippery surface, known as cartilage. This allows the bones to move against each other without friction and allows for painless weight bearing and mobility. Your knee also has two other types of crescent shaped cartilage known as meniscus, which help to distribute weight evenly across your knee joint. There is also cartilage lining under surface of your kneecap.

Osteoarthritis causes the lining cartilage in your knee joint to become thin and rough. This leads to your symptoms. When symptoms affect activities of living and function, a total knee replacement can be offered.

This is a surgical procedure in which your surgeon will replace your damaged joint with metal, high quality polyethylene or ceramic joint. This is routine procedure performed for an advanced arthritic hip / Knee and is proved to be very successful in providing pain relief and improving function including mobility.

If you have advanced arthritis which does not respond to a non-operativetreatment, then your surgeon will discuss surgical options with you.

Most of the patients after hip and knee replacements are able to leave hospital after one night stay, whereas some may be able to go home on the day of the procedure. Your consultant will discuss these options with you.

Any surgical procedure will cause some pain and discomfort. Our surgeons have experience in enhanced recovery pathway where they will inject local anaesthetic in the soft tissue around the joint. This is effective in controlling pain and helps in early mobility.

Sometimes mild and moderate osteoarthritis of the joints can lead to severe symptoms. In these cases, regenerative option may be offered to you. The regenerative treatment utilises your own cells and growth factors to treat osteoarthritis and tendinitis. This can potentially delay the need for a total joint replacement procedure.

FAQ Regenerative Treatment

Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that uses Mesenchymal stem cells and blood derived growth factors to treat and help self- healing the body to repair itself.

Regenerative treatment helps by reducing pain, inflammation by using your own body cells and growth factors leading to relief of symptoms and improvement in function.

Osteoarthritis - Although joint replacements provide a final solution to end-stage disease, these procedures cannot be recommended to younger patients with early- to mid-stage OA. Patients who would want to try alternative biological treatment based on their own cells can opt for regenerative treatment.

Patients who suffer from chronic tendon conditions (Gluteal tendinitis, Trochanteric bursitis, golfers and tennis elbow, planter Fasciitis) may be candidates for platelet rich plasma treatment.

Regenerative treatment options are -

  1. Mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue or Bone marrow
  2. Mesenchymal stem cells derived from human placenta
  3. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) – Blood derived
  4. Autologous Protein Solution – nStride – Blood derived

Your consultant will discuss with you which treatment would be most suitable for your condition.

Regenerative treatment for osteoarthritis and tendinitis is an evolving science. Many research papers are published every month increases our learning about the outcome.

nStride, APS - Intra-articular use of APS (nStride) for mild to moderate knee OA was safe, and significant pain improvement was documented 3 years after a single injection. (The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2020;48(11):2703–2710).

Microfragmented adipose tissue (MFAT), Mesenchymal stem cells - Several research articles have shown that MFAT, Mesenchymal stromal cells and Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BMAC) have good results in osteoarthritis of the knee and hip for improving VAS and Oxford hip/knee scores. This is a low-morbidity alternative biological treatment and can delay the need for total knee replacement in suitable patients (Hindawi Stem Cells International Volume 2021, Article ID 9921015).

This study shows that a single-dose MFAT injection leads to clinical, functional, and quality of life improvement at two years of knee osteoarthritis. These findings provide evidence that this treatment modality could be a safe and effective option to other commonly available treatments in carefully selected patients. International Orthopaedics volume 45, pages1179–1188 (2021)

PRP- Results of Platelet-Rich Plasma for the Management of Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis showed that PRP is a safe treatment with potential to provide symptomatic benefit for OA up to 12 months. Younger patients with less severe disease may be more responsive. (CurrRheumatol Rep. 2017 May;19(5):24.).

These procedures are low risk procedures. Many procedures can be done in the outpatient department, and some may require short GA as a day procedure.

The regenerative treatment is provided at the following two sites -

  1. Healthshare Clinic Winchester
    Chilcomb Lane, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1HU
  2. Fitzrovia Hospital
    13-14 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AH.

  • Rest for the first 24–48 hours, but do not lie sedentary
  • There may be some pain and discomfort around the injection site. We suggest simple pain killers such as paracetamol and codeine along with ice compression for pain relief.
  • We advise you stop anti-inflammatory (such as ibuprofen) medication approximately two weeks before and not to recommence for six weeks after the procedure.
  • Start graduated Physical Therapy after seven days, but avoid impact exercises such as running, jumping, squash and jogging.
  • We will advise you further based on your individual situation and needs.
  • If you had incision/wound on your abdomen, we advise to keep it dry until seen in two weeks for a wound check.

Patient Resources

Insured Patients

We are recognised as a private provider by

Self-pay patients

Many treatments including all regenerative treatment are not covered by insurance providers. Please contact us for price and any discount which may be applicable.

How to make payment

We accept payment from major debit and credit cards. Electronic bank transfer can be made. Bank account details will be provided on request.